Kids go with grapes

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The Time is ripe

Parents know they have a major role to play when it comes to their child’s nutrition, especially by making healthy food choices and providing those same kinds of foods for their kids.  Plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are the goal.  The key is to find great-tasting foods that are healthy, too.  The good news is that many foods, including fresh grapes, offer both of those qualities.  One thing is for sure:   Kids love grapes and that is good news for everyone’s health and well-being.  They’re also easy to prepare or add to many dishes.  What a plus!


Red grape icon

Serve grapes in place of french fries or chips

Pack grapes in your child's lunch box for a healthy snack

Pack grapes in a child's lunch box for a healthy snack

Green grapes popscicles

Add grapes to smoothies, ice pops, and Jell-O®

Freeze grapes for a tasty, healthy, refreshing snack

Freeze grapes for a tasty, healthy, refreshing snack

Add grapes to salads—kids will actually eat them

Add grapes to salads—kids will actually eat them!

Pizza Chef Icon

Place halved grapes on pizza for a California twist

• • • • • • •  a whole bunch of healthy

Frozen Grapes

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a fresh burst of flavor • • • • • • • 

Creamy Vegan California Grape Ice Cream

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• • • • • • •   quick, easy, and tasty  • • • • • • • 

Grape Almond Bliss Balls

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More Recipes

Try these easy recipes for super snacks featuring grapes.  Think about adding grapes to fruit and green salads, and chicken, turkey or tuna salads, as well.  Grapes are also wonderful as part of a finger food plate that includes lean meat and cheese slices, vegetables, whole grain crackers, and healthy dips.

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• • • • • • •  no-fuss dinner • • • • • • • 

California Grape Dutch Baby

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• • • • • • •  super snack

Frozen Yogurt-dipped California Grapes

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fun to make and eat • • • • • • • 

Chocolate Pizza with California Grapes

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Californians have been cultivating grapes for more than two centuries. Today, 99 percent of U.S. table grapes are produced in California's warm, dry climate that is ideal for grape growing. With 89 grape varieties grown, California grapes come in three colors—green, red, and black—and are in season from May through January.

Explore California