Fine Dining

Fine Dining Leads the Way

The fine dining kitchen is where the “new” in the culinary world can be found. Through the efforts of many talented chefs, culinary schools such as the CIA, and efforts at the commission, fresh Grapes from California are experiencing a renaissance as an ingredient in restaurant kitchens across North America and beyond.

The Art of the Ingredient

Grapes offer culinary attributes that lend themselves to an array of applications:

  • Juicy grapes offer a natural, refreshing foil to the heat of spicy-hot curries, sauces, and salsas.
  • Grapes add moisture and fresh texture to center-of-the-plate proteins.
  • The subtle sweetness of grapes pairs well with bitter greens and veggies, such as kale, cauliflower, and broccoli.
  • Unlike most other fruits, the delicate flavor of the grape lends itself to endless flavor/spice combinations, such as cinnamon and five spice, citrus, flavored oils, vinegars, and ginger/sesame, to name but a few.
  • Grapes and cheese are a classic pairing, but there are others: grapes and seafood (think Sole Véronique), grapes and poultry, and roasted grapes with beef, lamb, pork, and venison.
  • Take a look at 21 Ways to Use Grapes in Foodservice and visit the “Grapes Makes the Plate” page on the CIA’s ProChef Website for more fine dining ideas.

Show Us Your Best !

Are you using grapes in interesting and innovative ways?  Do you have a great recipe featuring grapes that you serve in your restaurant?  We’d love to hear about it!  Contact us.

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Californians have been cultivating grapes for more than two centuries. Today, 99 percent of U.S. table grapes are produced in California's warm, dry climate that is ideal for grape growing. With 89 grape varieties grown, California grapes come in three colors—green, red, and black—and are in season from May through January.

Explore California