Health Research

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Research highlights

More than 25 years of research suggests that grapes may offer intriguing health-promoting possibilities. Specifically, research suggests that grapes help support heart health and may help promote healthy aging.

Research is ongoing to uncover just how grapes may deliver these benefits.  Studies suggest that grape polyphenols may help protect the health and function of our cells in multiple ways, contributing to antioxidant action and influencing an array of cell communications that affect important biological processes.

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While many factors affect heart health, diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. Grapes are a heart-healthy food and contain no saturated fat or cholesterol.  Additionally, numerous studies on grapes and grape products, including table grapes, grape juice and wine, suggest that table grapes contribute to heart health.1 This benefit is typically attributed to the polyphenols present in the grape.

Human studies have shown that eating a variety of grapes may help maintain a healthy heart2 by promoting the relaxation of blood vessels to help maintain healthy blood flow and function. Additionally, studies suggest that grapes impact other aspects of heart health as well.


1 Vislocky, L.M., & Fernandez, M.L. (2010). Biomedical effects of grape products. Nutrition Reviews. Vol. 68(11),: 656-670.

2 Ibid.

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Emerging research suggests that grapes may help maintain health in a variety of ways.

In addition to heart health, current areas of scientific study include looking at the potential benefits of grape consumption on eye, brain, joint, bone, bladder, skin, colon health, and more.

These emerging studies reflect a mix of human, animal, and cell studies, and provide valuable information for future research. Good science takes time, but already a solid foundation of evidence on grapes and health is in place.

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Grapes and Health, an authoritative reference book published by Springer International Publishing, outlines the multi-faceted ways grapes benefit health.  A comprehensive review of the vast array of research on the health benefits of grapes, the book contains chapters written by subject experts who examined the state of grape research in:  heart health, inflammation, cancer, brain health, gastrointestinal health, joint health, bladder function and eye health.  An executive summary of the book captures the highlights in each area, and is available for download here:

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Californians have been cultivating grapes for more than two centuries. Today, 99 percent of U.S. table grapes are produced in California's warm, dry climate that is ideal for grape growing. With 89 grape varieties grown, California grapes come in three colors—green, red, and black—and are in season from May through January.

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