
1. Cut salmon into desired number of portions and season with marinade ingredients.
2. For vegetable cake: cut potato in chunks, place in sauce pan, cover with water and boil
until very tender. Chill, smash or food process until smooth. Do not over mix.
3. Place julienned vegetables in large mixing bowl.
4. Pre-heat oven to 375°F.
5. Mix egg and cornstarch in small bowl until smooth.
6. Toss vegetable mix with egg mixture; add cheese, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper.
7. Place mixture in oil-sprayed and parchment-lined 2 1/2” hotel pan.
8. Cover with foil and bake on center rack for 45 min. Remove foil and cook for additional
15 to 20 minutes until egg is set and moisture has evaporated.
9. Cool pan to chill or at least room temperature.
10. For balsamic reduction: place all ingredients in small sauce pan and heat to low boil;
reduce the sauce by half. Strain through china cap and funnel into squeeze bottle.
11. Grape gremolata: cut grapes in very fine brunoise and place in bowl with paper towel
and drain well. Mix in remaining ingredients and reserve.
Single Portion Build:
1 portion salmon
1/4 cup red seedless California grapes, whole
3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 Tbsp. sherry wine
Squeeze lemon
2-3 tsp. balsamic reduction
1 each vegetable cake
2 tsp. grape gremolata
To build:
Turn out chilled vegetable cake, use circular cutter to create rounds and reserve.
In pan #1 heat 2 Tbsp. olive oil and pan fry vegetable cake on medium heat. Crisp up on
both sides, turning regularly.
In pan #2 heat remaining oil to medium-high heat and pan-fry salmon on 1st side, turn
once half way cooked, add grapes and move about pan. Flambé with wine, squeeze
lemon and let simmer until grapes are tender and salmon is done.
To plate; drizzle plate decoratively with balsamic reduction, then place the vegetable
cake, salmon and top with grape gremolata. Sprinkle grapes at base of plate.
2 lbs. salmon fillet, boneless, skinless, pin bones removed
3/4 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. paprika, Spanish Pimontón
2 tsp. olive oil, extra virgin
Vegetable Cake:
2 1/4 cup potato, yellow cooked, (1 1/4 lb. raw)
3 cups zucchini, fine julienne
11/2 cup yellow squash, fine julienne
3/4 cup red bell pepper, fine julienne
1 cup carrot, grated
1/2 cup green onion, finely chopped
3 each eggs
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 cup Manchego or Parmesan cheese, grated
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
1 1/4 tsp. garlic, fresh minced
2 tsp. sea salt
11/2 tsp. black pepper, ground
Balsamic Reduction:
2 cups red seedless California grapes
2 cups Balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup fresh herbs
1 orange, fresh juice and zest
1” inch ginger, peeled and fresh sliced
Grape Gremolata:
4 cups green seedless California grapes
1/2 cup parsley, Italian, fresh chopped
2 lemons
Pinch sea salt
1. Cut salmon into desired number of portions and season with marinade ingredients.
2. For vegetable cake: cut potato in chunks, place in sauce pan, cover with water and boil
until very tender. Chill, smash or food process until smooth. Do not over mix.
3. Place julienned vegetables in large mixing bowl.
4. Pre-heat oven to 375°F.
5. Mix egg and cornstarch in small bowl until smooth.
6. Toss vegetable mix with egg mixture; add cheese, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper.
7. Place mixture in oil-sprayed and parchment-lined 2 1/2” hotel pan.
8. Cover with foil and bake on center rack for 45 min. Remove foil and cook for additional
15 to 20 minutes until egg is set and moisture has evaporated.
9. Cool pan to chill or at least room temperature.
10. For balsamic reduction: place all ingredients in small sauce pan and heat to low boil;
reduce the sauce by half. Strain through china cap and funnel into squeeze bottle.
11. Grape gremolata: cut grapes in very fine brunoise and place in bowl with paper towel
and drain well. Mix in remaining ingredients and reserve.
Single Portion Build:
1 portion salmon
1/4 cup red seedless California grapes, whole
3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 Tbsp. sherry wine
Squeeze lemon
2-3 tsp. balsamic reduction
1 each vegetable cake
2 tsp. grape gremolata
To build:
Turn out chilled vegetable cake, use circular cutter to create rounds and reserve.
In pan #1 heat 2 Tbsp. olive oil and pan fry vegetable cake on medium heat. Crisp up on
both sides, turning regularly.
In pan #2 heat remaining oil to medium-high heat and pan-fry salmon on 1st side, turn
once half way cooked, add grapes and move about pan. Flambé with wine, squeeze
lemon and let simmer until grapes are tender and salmon is done.
To plate; drizzle plate decoratively with balsamic reduction, then place the vegetable
cake, salmon and top with grape gremolata. Sprinkle grapes at base of plate.
8 medium portions (4 oz. salmon)
Californians have been cultivating grapes for more than two centuries. Today, 99 percent of U.S. table grapes are produced in California's warm, dry climate that is ideal for grape growing. With 89 grape varieties grown, California grapes come in three colors—green, red, and black—and are in season from May through January.
Explore California