
Blend red, green or black grapes in a food processor until a smooth, frothy liquid forms. With a plastic spatula, press mixture through a fine strainer into a mixing bowl. Discard skins and skim foam off the top. Whisk sugar into juice until dissolved. Add a few drops of red, green or purple food coloring if desired.
To make juice pops, fill molds or 5-ounce paper cups with juice, spooning most of the foam off the top. If using cups, cover each cup with foil and insert a wooden stick in the center of the foil. If adding grapes to pops, place approximately 1/4 cup halved grapes into each mold. Pour juice into molds, spooning most of the foam off the top. Place molds or cups in freezer and chill until frozen. To remove bars from cups, take off foil and tear away paper.
4 1/2 cups California red, green or black seedless grapes
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
food coloring (optional)
2 cups California red or black seedless grapes, halved (optional)
Blend red, green or black grapes in a food processor until a smooth, frothy liquid forms. With a plastic spatula, press mixture through a fine strainer into a mixing bowl. Discard skins and skim foam off the top. Whisk sugar into juice until dissolved. Add a few drops of red, green or purple food coloring if desired.
To make juice pops, fill molds or 5-ounce paper cups with juice, spooning most of the foam off the top. If using cups, cover each cup with foil and insert a wooden stick in the center of the foil. If adding grapes to pops, place approximately 1/4 cup halved grapes into each mold. Pour juice into molds, spooning most of the foam off the top. Place molds or cups in freezer and chill until frozen. To remove bars from cups, take off foil and tear away paper.
This is a Vegan recipe
This is a Gluten-free recipe
This is a Low-sodium recipe
This is a Vegetarian recipe
This is a Dairy-free recipe
4 juice pops or 8 juice pops with grapes
Serving Suggestions
Variation: To make layered juice pops, make 2 batches of grape ice pop mix from different colored grapes. Fill molds half full with one color and freeze. When hard, fill remainder of mold with second color and freeze.
Nutritional Information
136 Calories; 1 g Protein; 1 g Fat; 34 g Carbohydrates; 0 mg Cholesterol; 2 g Fiber; 4 mg Sodium
Californians have been cultivating grapes for more than two centuries. Today, 99 percent of U.S. table grapes are produced in California's warm, dry climate that is ideal for grape growing. With 89 grape varieties grown, California grapes come in three colors—green, red, and black—and are in season from May through January.
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